A96 in Elgin | Reiket Lane Roundabout

A96 in Elgin | Reiket Lane Roundabout

Scheme Summary

17 June to 27 September 2024
Active Travel Network

Scheme Updates

Extension of scheme

Issued: 8 July 2024

Due to unexpected problems with ground conditions and underground services, work continues to complete the final stage of improvements of the A96 active travel network in Elgin.

Some preliminary civil works will be on site over the coming weeks to prepare for the final piece of the scheme.

The majority of the remaining works are programmed to be undertaken on weekdays between 9.30am and 5.30pm utilising lane closures on East Road. This lane reduction may lead to increased journey time.

There will also be the need for occasional nighttime works, which are provisionally scheduled to take place between 6am and 6pm.

While some construction noise will occur during these works, Amey are working to programme operations to minimise any disturbance as much as possible and apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused.


Amey is looking to conclude the final phase of the A96 active travel network in Elgin to enhance traffic flow through the town while maintaining pedestrian safety improvements.

Amey, on behalf of Transport Scotland, has been undertaking active travel improvements in Elgin to deliver health, leisure and commuting benefits for the local community.

The improvements provide enhanced connectivity through the town, making it easier for people to adopt more sustainable modes of transport while improving the ability of pedestrians and cyclists to cross the A96 carriageway.

Part of this scheme has involved the construction of a new signalised crossing point on the eastern arm of the A96/Reiket Lane roundabout.

Following a review, after feedback from both the local community and Moray Council, the final stage of the improvements will entail revisions to both the layout, and eastbound approach to and exit from the A96/Reiket Lane roundabout.

These improvements will not impact the overall cost of the works.

Traffic Management

Work to deliver the revised design will take place between Monday 17th June and Saturday 22nd June between 6pm to 6am each night in order to minimise disruption to the travelling public.

To ensure the safety of roadworkers and motorists, the work will be undertaken using lane closures and temporary traffic lights.

Unfortunately, some construction noise will occur during these works and Amey are working to programme operations to minimise any disturbance as much as possible.

Operating Company Representative for the North East NMC, Tom Wallace, said: “We have taken on board feedback from the local community, along with our local authority partners, Moray Council.

“Amey acknowledge that there have been delays, primarily outwith our control, in completing the works in Elgin. We would like to apologise to road users and the local community for the length of time needed to deliver the improvements and are grateful for their continued patience while the revised work is carried out.”

For media enquires please contact Amey’s press office on 01865 713240 or by email: press.office@amey.co.uk. Follow us on X @NETrunkRoads.