M90 Friarton Bridge | Inspections

Bridge Inspections


Transport Scotland’s Operating Company for the NE Unit, Amey, are carrying out inspections of the Friarton Bridge on the M90 over the River Tay at Perth following a report on Thursday 18th July, of spalling concrete from the structure.

An Amey spokesperson said: "In recognition of the observation noted, Amey carried out initial inspections of the bridge that night and through the weekend. We have now programmed further surveys to be carried out through the rest of this week to complete a detailed review of the bridge.

To allow these inspections to be carried out safely, Amey will implement temporary traffic management measures on the M90 at Friarton Bridge. Works will be planned to minimise disruption to road users as much as possible.

Amey will continue to provide further updates about any potential disruption to road users and the general public as a result of the investigations being carried out on the M90 at Friarton Bridge.

We thank road users and the local community for their patience and understanding.”