Amey staff climb Scotland's two highest peaks for Cancer Research

The duo will climb Ben Macdui and Ben Nevis as part of the Amey 2for2 Challenge

Two Amey employees from the north east trunk road team are set to climb Scotland’s two highest peaks in 22 hours to raise money for Cancer Research UK.

Principal Construction Manager Stephen Pilkington and Journey Time Reliability Coordinator Ryan Newman are taking on Ben Macdui and Ben Nevis as part of the Amey 2for2 Challenge.

The challenge is inspired by the number 2, which represents Amey’s second year of partnership with CRUK.

Stephen and Ryan will start their challenge at Ben Macdui on Friday 27th October at midday.

On completion they will drive from the Cairngorms to Fort William, grab a few hours sleep and then set off to complete Ben Nevis on Saturday 28th before 10am.

Stephen said: “Considering it’s been five years since I’ve seen the inside of a gym, it’ll be no stroll in the park.”

The goal is to raise £22,000 for this amazing cause from the challenge to help Amey reach its fundraising target of £200,000 over the next two years.

For anyone who would kindly like to donate the fundraising page is here