All lanes at A90 Finavon Bridge to reopen Saturday 23rd December after complex repairs

Both carriageways at Finavon Bridge are set to fully reopen on Saturday 23rd December


Work to reopen all lanes on the A90 between Forfar and Brechin has now commenced following the successful completion of extensive and complex repair work on Finavon Bridge.

The full reopening of both carriageways northbound and southbound is scheduled for completion on the morning of Saturday 23rd December, in advance of the busy festive holiday period.

The A90 has been operating under a contraflow at Finavon Bridge since Tuesday 24th October for commuter safety following the severe impact of Storm Babet on the bridge.

The structure endured significant damage due to the unprecedented heavy rainfall and the damage, as well as local environmental considerations, presented several challenges in progressing repairs.

Amey’s dedicated staff have been working diligently to design and deliver a repair solution on Finavon Bridge and make this section of road safe for traffic. This has now allowed the removal of the contraflow, thereby opening both lanes of the northbound and southbound carriageways to normal traffic. Abnormal loads will still be required to be re-routed.

The successful completion of this work was a direct result of a number of partner agencies working collaboratively, including Transport Scotland, Amey, SEPA, Nature Scotland and Esk District Salmon Fishery Board, to ensure these repairs were carried out as quickly as possible with minimal risk to the environment.

Damage to the Bridge

River water levels reached over four metres high and inundated Finavon Bridge, causing substantial damage to the structure, including the collapse of the northern walkway which left the north abutment exposed.

Dive investigations, undertaken to determine river bed levels in and around the structure, highlighted issues around the undermining of abutments and piers.

It was discovered that the river bed was washed away to a depth of 3 metres in localised areas adjacent to the bridge supports. Considerable erosion below the north abutment was also noted, which affected the integrity of the structure and increased the possibility of failure of the bridge under traffic loading.

Repair work has re-established the original river bed level through the placement of rock bags and additional concrete. This work removes the immediate threat of failure and protects the bridge to any direct damage from future storms, allowing the opening of the northbound carriageway.

The current repairs also include the reinstatement of an area under a bridge abutment which had been eroded using rock bags, and repairs to an area of erosion at the south footpath.

Future permanent repair work beneath the structure will still be required and is being planned for next year.

Partnership Working

Operating Company Representative for the North East NMC, Tom Wallace, said: “I am pleased that our teams have progressed as quickly as possible to reopen both lanes northbound on the A90 at Finavon Bridge following the significant damage caused by Storm Babet.

“The damage to the A90 Finavon Bridge was severe and complex to repair. This has been a huge challenge and our skilled and dedicated staff have been working extremely hard to deliver a solution.

“A range of different partner organisations, including Transport Scotland, Amey, SEPA, Nature Scotland and Esk District Salmon Fishery Board, pulled together to expedite and deliver repair work as quickly as possible to minimise the impact on road users and the local community.

“We would like to state our gratitude for the patience of commuters and the local community while these repairs were undertaken. We are now progressing with the permanent repairs beneath the structure and will keep road users and the local community up to date on the repair programme as work progresses.”

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