A90 Glencarse Overbridge | Repairs Update

UPDATE (01/11/23): Specialist structural testing and investigation works are provisionally planned to commence in mid-November. Please see below for more information.

Repair plans being progressed to deliver a long-term solution

Work is progressing to allow specialist resources to carry out investigation works at the damaged A90 Glencarse Overbridge.

The A90 Glencarse Overbridge suffered significant structural damage after being struck by an overheight vehicle on 28th March 2023 and traffic restrictions were put in place for the safety of road users and pedestrians. 

Lane closures remain in place due to the potential for significant sections of concrete falling onto lane one southbound on the live A90 carriageway.

Sections of concrete measuring as large as approximately 24cm x 19cm, as well as heavy duty bolts, have been recovered from the bridge site, posing an ongoing severe risk to traffic using the A90.

As previous work following similar incidents has shown, any repair work on the bridge is a complex operation and can often take a considerable amount of time to complete.

Ecology Survey Prior To Investigations

Amey is affording this matter a high level of priority and has already undertaken a range of preparatory work off-site, as well as on and around the bridge, to allow investigation work to take place.

However, ecology surveys that are statutorily required to be undertaken prior to the commencement of any detailed structural investigations and repair works have identified protected species in the vicinity of the bridge.

As such repairs cannot commence until further statutory surveys are completed.

Although these statutory surveys and resultant actions have extended the anticipated delivery programme, Amey has successfully procured the specialist resources required to carry out the structural investigation works at the bridge.

Subject to no further issues arising from the ongoing ecology surveys, specialist structural testing and investigation works are provisionally planned to commence in mid-November.

Plans For A Permanent Repair

These investigation works will help inform what will be required by way of a permanent repair to restore the integrity of the bridge and remove current traffic restrictions.

Following this, Amey will review the temporary traffic management arrangements with a view to removing them until the repairs are ready to be carried out. However, this is contingent on there being no continued potential risk to road users.

Amey’s Journey Time Reliability Coordinators continue to monitor the current traffic restrictions for any significant delays.

Amey appreciates the frustration that such repair works can cause but would like to reassure the local community and travelling public that they are doing everything possible to repair the bridge as quickly and safely as possible.

Damage To Critical Parts Of The Bridge

The incident resulted in significant damage to one of the steel primary deck elements and the concrete deck slab above. The steel load bearing element has also been badly deformed and will need to be repaired.

Amey are aware of the length of time that the local communities of Glencarse and St Madoes, together with the travelling public, were impacted from the previous bridge strike in October 2019.

This previous incident, to an extent, illustrates the complexity of the issues to be considered and addressed prior to restoring the structural integrity of the bridge.

Latest Update: (01/11/23)

Specialist structural testing and investigation works are provisionally planned to commence in mid-November.

These works will help inform what will be required by way of a permanent repair to restore the integrity of the bridge and remove current traffic restrictions.

Following these investigations Amey will review the temporary traffic management arrangements with a view to removing them until the full repairs are ready to be carried out. However, this is contingent on there being no continued potential risk to road users.

There will also be a requirement to install future traffic management arrangements at this location to allow permanent repair work to be undertaken.