End Road Worker Abuse

Scotland's road maintenance companies, including Amey, BEAR Connect and Autolink work with the support of Transport Scotland and Traffic Scotland to tackle the issue of road worker abuse.

One in four roadworkers has suffered mental health issues following verbal or physical abuse from the public

All operating companies are now committed to a zero tolerance approach in response to any further threats to their employees.

A recent survey of Scottish road operatives discovered:

  • One in four of staff surveyed said that the abuse they have experienced at work has affected their mental health.
  • Almost one in ten staff said they've been subject to physical abuse in the past year.
  • One in five reported having missiles thrown at them in the past year.
  • Nearly two out of three roadworkers have been verbally abused by passing motorists.

The campaign will move forward with the support of national bodies such as Safer Highways to ensure a countrywide approach to tackling this issue.

You can follow this campaign on our Twitter feed and please comment if you have seen examples of this type of abuse, or want to share your thoughts on this issue.