Ash Dieback

Ash Dieback Action Plan

Amey, on behalf of Transport Scotland, are undertaking essential steps to combat the effects of Ash Dieback along our road network. This work will help to keep road users safe and will stabilise trees across north east Scotland to prevent further disruption.

What is Ash Dieback?

Evidence from Europe suggests that Ash Dieback will lead to the decline and death of 50% - 75% of ash trees in Scotland over the next two decades and has the potential to infect more than 75 million ash trees (over 64 million saplings and seedlings and some 10.7 million mature trees) across the country.

If the affected trees along our network are left untreated, road users and the travelling public could be impacted. Following guidance from the Tree Council and Scottish Forestry, and having assessed the network, it has been decided that essential steps must be taken to ensure the safety of road users and the network. 

Please watch the video below to find out more about Ash Dieback and why it is important we tackle this disease to ensure the safety of road users. 

What are we doing?

Ash trees exist in around 150,000 hectares of woodland in Scotland and a further one million ash trees are thought to exist in parks, gardens, and along roadsides. Tens of thousands of trees have been identified with Ash Dieback, in varying stages, across our road network. 

In high-risk areas where trees have been identified as having Ash Dieback, the trees will be removed to ensure both safety of the road network and its users, and the stability of surrounding trees. High-risk areas include, but are not limited to, trees within falling distance of roads, footpaths, active travel routes, infrastructure, properties, and public areas.  

Trees that are less affected by Ash Dieback, and in lower risk areas, will be monitored in the medium and long term to maintain public safety. Appropriate action will be taken should they continue to decline. 

Recovery Plan

Ash Dieback is not only a problem for road users. Ash is one of our most useful and versatile native tree species, providing an invaluable habitat for a wide range of dependent species. 

The airy nature of ash foliage allows light to penetrate right down to the woodland floor, which encourages ground plants and fauna to grow. Several insects, small animals, lichens, and mosses depend entirely on ash for their habitat. 

Clearing the diseased and dying trees as part of our Tree and Woodland Maintenance and Management Strategy offers an opportunity to not only prevent further spread of the disease, but also to improve the biodiversity and the resilience of our road network.

This will be achieved by planting a variety of native tree species as well as assorted shrub layers, and wildflowers and bulbs in accordance with Transport Scotland’s Fitting Landscapes: Securing More Sustainable Landscapes policy.

This policy encourages local community involvement and will provide opportunities to regenerate landscapes in north-east Scotland.

Planned Ash Dieback felling

If you would like to contact us regarding Ash Dieback felling in your area, please use the options below:

🤳 Report a Problem Online Form

📞 08000 830084

💻 Write to us:

Policy Guidance

Every step we have taken has been in line with guidance from organisations such as the Tree Council. If you would like to know more about Ash Dieback, including how to control the issue and replanting advice, please use the below links: 

Official advice and guidance from the Tree Council can be found HERE 

Official advice and guidance from the UK Government in line with the Forestry Commission can be found HERE 

Information from Scottish Forestry can be found HERE 

Tree Council photo guide to Ash Dieback can be found HERE 

Transport Scotland's Fitting Landscapes: Securing More Sustainable Landscapes document can be found HERE