Road workers rescue driver in distress

The roadworkers rescued a driver who needed emergency medical attention.

Three road workers on Amey’s north east contract rescued a driver in distress who needed emergency medical attention after his car left the road and crashed deep into roadside woods.

Highway Operatives Ross Wedderburn (37), Conner Scott (27) and Callum Robertson (28), who work out of the Kinross depot, went above and beyond the call of duty when they spotted the accident near Perth while working late at night.

The trio had crossed Friarton Bridge and were exiting the M90 at Barnhill Interchange when they thought they saw a flashing light deep in the woods as they drove down the M90 off slip.

Concerned that there was a problem, they drove the full length of the interchange in order to return past the site and investigate the scene.

They discovered that the flashing light was actually a car indicator, and a vehicle had left the slip road and crashed deep into the woods, knocking down several trees.

After approaching the car through thick vegetation, it became apparent that the driver had had a medical issue. The three operatives were able to keep the driver calm, put him in the recovery position and contacted emergency services who arrived to treat the driver at the scene.

Operations Manager Kevin McRae said: “It says a lot for the guys that they spotted something odd and doubled back to check if there were any problems.

“The incident happened at around 3am and in daylight they might not have noticed the flashing light. The car had been there for three hours, so the driver was obviously in some distress and it was a great spot by the three guys to notice his vehicle.

“We’re proud of them for the way the reacted and went out of their way to help someone in need on our network.”