Primary pupils in Kelty learn about road safety heroes during gritter visit

Primary pupils get up close with a gritter during STEM Week


Pupils at St. Joseph’s RC Primary School in Kelty learned about road safety heroes and got up close with a gritter when Amey’s highways team paid a visit.

Each class enjoyed a 10-minute road safety presentation around road safety heroes and how they can keep themselves and others safe when traveling on or near roads.

The session was attended by two Amey road safety heroes, correspondence officer Andy Jones and gritter driver John Crowe.

After the talk the pupils were given a tour of the gritter and were allowed to sit inside and see how the vehicle operates.

At the end of the session the pupils were given a task to draw a picture of their very own road safety hero. The winner from each class will win an easter egg provided by Amey.

The visit was a part of Amey’s commitment to supporting the communities where the company operate, which includes delivering highways maintenance on the motorways and trunk roads in north east Scotland on behalf of Transport Scotland.

St. Joseph’s Primary 6 teacher Angela Sutherland said: “What an amazing experience having Amey visit class during STEM week. The pupils loved every minute and learned so much about road safety heroes and their important jobs. 

“Having a chance to get into the gritter, see it up close, learn about the features and ask questions really developed their interest in STEM careers and let them appreciate the super job the company does.”

P6 pupil Evan said: “I really enjoyed having AMEY come to our school and showing us inside a gritter as well as telling us what they do as their job.  I found it very engaging and interesting hearing all about AMEY and how they help us.  It made me think about my future in that industry.”