Kintore teenagers brighten up A96 underpass with artwork

Kintore teenagers got involved in the design and painting of the mural

A huge thank you to all the volunteers who helped brighten up the A96 underpass in Kintore with a wonderful mural full of happy thoughts.

Through Rachel Lewis, youth worker at The Bothie/Action Kintore, 35 teenagers got involved in the design and painting of the mural, whose theme was to showcase all the things that made the teenagers happy.

Outlines Collective (Kristy Lawie and Naomi Christie) did a fantastic job of taking the teens ideas, making them into art and directing the whole painting of the underpass.

Rachel said, "When you feel sad or low, you forget the things that make you happy, so imagine if you were out walking and could be reminded of all the lovely things in the world."