Amey staff inspire next generation hosting Baldragon Academy STEM workshops

Volunteers from across a variety of Amey departments arranged and hosted the event


Amey’s north east trunk roads team inspired over 150 pupils from Baldragon Academy in Dundee by hosting a full-day STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Maths) event.

The event was part of Amey’s commitment to giving back to the local communities across north east Scotland where the trunk road maintenance company operates.

Eight volunteers from across a variety of Amey departments arranged and hosted the event which gave pupils an understanding of what job roles are available within the engineering industry.

The S1 pupils learned about Amey’s new highways team in Scotland and how they are delivering Transport Scotland’s improved roads maintenance contract in the north east.

During the day the children engaged in a range of different activities as part of different workshops hosted by the Amey team.

This included creating fundraising events to help support their local communities and learning about the variety of road signs across the road networks and their meaning.

The children were also challenged to create towers from scratch with a variety of objects, such as straws and marshmallows, and build bridges to withstand heavy weights with nothing but string, masking tape and lollipop sticks.

At the end of the event, the pupils and their teachers provided great feedback to the volunteers.

Amey’s Community and Communications Manager Jessica Masterton said: “Having fun with STEM at a young age can encourage children to further their interest in these subjects as they get older.

“With these workshops we wanted to showcase how interesting and exciting STEM can be as a pathway towards a future career with a company such as Amey.

“We hope our visit inspires the Baldragon Academy pupils into taking steps to become the next generation of engineers, mathematicians and scientists.”

Baldragon Academy PT guidance teacher Claire Collin said: “In partnership with DYW Taycities, S1 Baldragon Academy pupils were given an insight into the skills required and opportunities available in the engineering industry through STEM works shops delivered by AMEY. Pupils were inspired, engaged and enthusiastic. It was a fantastic experience for all involved."


For media enquires please contact Amey’s press office on 01865 713240 or by email: Follow us on Twitter @NETrunkRoads.