Amey call bingo as Bridge of Don Academy pupils create plan to stop roadside litter

Amey host STEM workshops at Bridge Of Don Academy pupils in Aberdeen


Amey’s roads team called bingo when Aberdeen school pupils created a new plan to stop drivers littering on the north east trunk road network.

S1 and S2 pupils from Bridge of Don Academy were given a showcase into how STEM skills can lead to a future career during STEM workshops hosted by trunk road maintenance company Amey.

The children learned about Amey’s new highways team in Scotland and how they have recently taken over Transport Scotland’s improved roads maintenance contract in the north east.

The pupils were given an environmental related task to come up with ideas on how they would prevent people from littering on Amey’s networks.

One suggestion was litter bingo where drivers would receive a stamp for a bingo card when they put their litter into bins. They would then be rewarded with a prize when their bingo card won.

Amey’s Community and Communications Manager Jessica Masterton said: “The children came up with some fantastic ideas. Other suggestions were a bin that made jewellery out of rubbish and a very futuristic idea of a bin in your car that, when drivers filled up with petrol, emptied the bin automatically.”

The pupils also discussed animal safety around roads and created animal awareness posters, the most common of which was awareness for deer and the most unusual was to raise awareness to protect turtles.

Director of Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) North East, Margo Milne, said: “It’s invaluable for young people to gain exposure to the world of work at an early stage.

“DYW North East was delighted to facilitate these activities between Bridge of Don Academy pupils and Amey’s roads team. Young people are full of great ideas and the workshops sound like an ideal combination of career-related learning and fun.

“We are very grateful to Amey for their support and look forward to continuing our partnership activities to inform and inspire more young people throughout the region.”

For media enquires please contact Amey’s press office on 01865 713240 or by email: Follow us on Twitter @NETrunkRoads.