Abuse Statement

Abuse Statement


As part of Amey’s ‘Zero Code’ commitment to ensuring the safety remains at the core of our operations, Amey has a 'zero tolerance' initiative towards violence and aggression in the workplace.

This statement sets out the stance Amey adopt in addressing the issue of violence, aggression and unacceptable behaviour directed towards employees as part of the wider Amey Code and the Compulsory Risk Control processes, where the wrongdoer may be a member of the public or work colleague. These issues are routinely delivered to all our staff through our Induction Process and also Toolbox Talks advising them of our position and how to proceed in the event of any violence or aggression at work.

Amey is committed to ensuring that any instances of violence or aggression directed towards any employee is entirely unacceptable and will be investigated with the support of any relevant authorities. These measures are supported by a system which treats members of the public in a timely and respectful manner and provides them with adequate information.

Violence and aggression at work can be described as 'any incident in which a person is abused, threatened or assaulted in circumstances relating to their work'.

  1. Physical assault is - 'the intentional application of force from one person to another, without lawful justification, resulting in physical injury, personal discomfort or damage to property'.
  2. Non-physical assault is - 'the use of inappropriate words (including, but not exclusively, verbal/written/social media) or behaviour causing alarm, distress and/or constituting harassment'.
  3. Persistent unacceptable behaviour - refers to 'behaviour both within one contact and/or a number of separate contacts over an undefined period'. This includes face to face, telephone, email and any other written contact.

Zero tolerance

Amey will not accept or tolerate any violence or aggression towards its employees.

Staff are expected to report an incident of this type to their manager/supervisor and will be asked to help complete an Incident Reporting Form. Staff are also encouraged to report potentially threatening behaviour within our Close-Call reporting system (AVA). Apart from the requirement to record all such incidents, it will help the company to consider ways of preventing incidents in the future.

The outcome of the investigation into the individual circumstances and any such act/behaviour may result in appropriate action or sanctions being applied. Where appropriate, unlawful acts will be reported to the relevant authorities with supporting evidence.

Staff may also make use of Amey’s free and confidential Employee Assistance Programme to help and support them in dealing with the emotional and physical after-effects of abuse and assault.